Magical Yogi Beings! Photos of Magical Yogi Wear in real life on REAL people!!!!
We are all magical beings. Being the authentic person you were born to be is being magical! Magic is simply putting energy into an intention and making it a reality. Magic is also anything that makes us smile or feel good. It can be our favorite cup of tea, a child's smile, a beautiful sunrise, a wet doggy smooch, a cat purring on top of our head-magic exists in every sub atomic particle in the universe!
Magical Yogi Wear is intentionally created to make people smile and feel good! This is the power of the feminine creative power of the universe -Shakti. The intention is to create a vast and diverse community of magical beings committed to spreading more creativity, more love, more authenticity, more diversity, & more smiles on the planet!
Please feel free to share your images of yourself in your Magical Yogi Wear and spread YOUR magic!!

The leggings and hoodies are fantastic. I don’t practice yoga consistently but I have been going to a gym for over 30 years and enjoy lifting weights and doing high intensity physical training for most of that time. I wear excercise capris when MJ can get them mead for me and they are perfect for my needs. the fabric is supple, not too hot, and the stitching can withstand all the stress I inflict on it. The yoga wear is the BEST I have ever worn.
The products are of the highest quality and everything is very beautiful in person. I just received two of the prints and the quality is unbelievably perfect. I am thrilled beyond words and next for the clothing. Her home goods are of the highest quality. Rarely do I find things better in real life than photos and the prints (found in Physic Chic Home Furnishings) were all of that and more. I am IMPRESSED!